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Sophie Turner height
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294 points

Sophie Turner

Body measurements


174.6 cm (5 ft 8.7 in)


56 kg (123 lb)

Chest size

89 cm (35 in)

Waist size

65 cm (25 in)

Hips size

90 cm (35 in)

Shoe size

8 US


Date of birth

February 21, 1996



Zodiac sign



UK (England)



Sexual Orientation


Eyes color


Hair color


Compare your height to Sophie Turner

Your height in cm:
Your height in ft:
ft inches
Sophie Turner is 174.6 cm (5 ft 8.7 in) tall
The difference in height is 174.6 cm or 5 ft 8.7 inches

Who is Sophie Turner?

Sophie Turner with although a relatively short filmography, has become one of the most popular and excellent actresses around. The stunningly beautiful lady is also a fashion model.

Early Accomplishments

Since the age of 3, Sophie had joined the membership of Playbox Theatre Company learning the art of acting. 

She was only 15 when she professionally became an actress and it does not get bigger than highly popular TV series, Game of Thrones as Sansa Stark since 2011. 

While shooting the series, she continued her academics with the help of a private tutor and earned 5 As and 4 Bs on her GCSE.

Best Known For

She unmistakably has Game of Thrones at the top of her acting achievements. 

She also portrays Jean Grey in the Marvel films, X-Men: Apocalypse in 2016 and in the upcoming Dark Phoenix in 2019.

She also had significant roles in films such as Another Me in 2013 and Barely Lethal in 2015 as well as in the TV film, The Thirteenth Tale in 2013. 

She starred in Oblivion video by Bastille in 2014.

Sexual Orientation

Sophie is straight and is now engaged to singer Joe Jonas since late 2017 after the couple had dated for exactly one year. They met each other through a common friend. 

She also did date James McVey for 2 months in the summer of 2014.


Sophie is the littlest and only daughter of Andrew and Sally Turner with her brothers being Will and James Turner. 

She would have been a twin if her twin had not died before birth.


Sophie’s religious beliefs and practices are presently unknown.

Worth To Know

Sophie is naturally a blonde but dyed her hair auburn for her GOT role. She began to wear wigs from season 7.

She adopted Zunni, the dog who played her pet dire wolf in the GOT series.

You can see her in the movie Time Freak (2018) alongside Asa Butterfield.
