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Dakota Culkin height
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Dakota Culkin

Body measurements


Date of birth

June 15, 1978

Date of death

December 10, 2008 (30 years)

Zodiac sign





Art production assistant

Eyes color


Hair color


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Who is Dakota Culkin?

Dakota Culkin was an art production assistant. 

Early Accomplishments

Dakota worked in productions on an independent film, Lost Soul

Best Known For

Unlike her siblings who were famous for their acting skills, Dakota was still in the movie industry but worked behind the cameras rather than in front of it. She became known to many as the "Shy Culkin". 

Sexual Orientation

Dakota lived a very reserved and private life. Therefore we cannot confirm her sexual orientation as all her past relationships are unknown.   


Dakota belonged to the well-known Culkin family of actors. Her father Kit Culkin and his siblings Bonnie Bedelia and Terry Culkin have created a successful career in the movie industry. 

Dakota's siblings Macaulay, Rory, Shane, Quinn, Christian and Kieran each tried acting. 

Dakota was closest to Macaulay. 

8 years before her death, Dakota's half-sister from father side Jennifer Adamson lost her life. 

Dakota's cousin Jonah Luber is also an actor. 

Religious Belief

As a child, Dakota's parents were Christian's and therefore taught her Christian values. She was particularly exposed to the Catholic denomination. 

Worth To Know

Dakota's middle name was Ulissa. 

One of her closest known friends was Andrea Poe. 

While working on the movie Lost Soul, Dakota had an opportunity to work alongside the director and producer Dana Schroeder. 

Unfortunately, an extremely tragic car accident claimed Dakota's life in the last month of 2008 while she was taking a walk on the street.
