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George Walker Bush is an American politician from the Republican Party, businessman, and a former president of the United States.
George acquired his bachelor’s degree at Yale University where he studied history and an MBA at Harvard Business School. After completing his education, George ruled over his own oil company, later on shooting for a politician’s career.
George Bush is known to be the 43rd president of the United States holding this position through 2001- 2009 years during two terms. He represented the Republican Party defeating Al Gore during the election of 2000.
Bush was the one start the war in Afghanistan as a reaction to the September 11 attacks (2001) and an Iraq War (2003).Sexual Orientation
George is straight. He used to be engaged to Cathryn Lee Wolfman. However, the couple did not make it to a marriage. In 1977 he married Laura Welch.Family
George is a son of the 41st president of the United States George Herbert Walker Bush and his wife Barbara Pierce who had 5 children alongside George.George shares two daughters with his wife Laura Welch Bush, his wife Barbara and Jenna. The girls are twins and were born in 1981.
Bush is a Christian. He used to be a member of Episcopal Church which he left for The United Methodist Church to be able to marry his wife.
George Bush is known to suffer from alcohol abuse which at some point led to the suspension of his driving license. He attributes his wife the main role in his battle against the addiction.
He was the one to get both the highest and lowest support rate during his presidential career. People supported Bush in light of 9/11 attacks and disapproved of him during the financial crisis in 2008.